IAMPOV Symposium
This symposium will highlight and discuss new and developing technologies for monitoring Perfusion, Oxygenation and Ventilation. It will provide an educational forum for clinicians, engineers and researchers. Beyond the interactive academic venue, a publication will result as a dedicated supplement issue of the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia. This will contain the keynote lectures, plenary presentations and accepted abstracts (as was the case in prior symposia, ISIAMOV_A&Asuppl_0307.pdf).
Purpose of Symposium
The symposium will build upon ISIAPO in 2002, as well as ISIAMOV 2007 and brings together clinicians, device developers and researchers for an interchange of expertise and ideas in the areas of:
- Photoplethysmography, with an emphasis on theshape and size as indicators of physiologic and pathologic variables, e.g., cardiac output, local perfusion and respiration.
- Noninvasive monitoring of oxygenation (pulse & tissue oximetry) and indicators of ventilation/respiration.
- Direct blood analysis of CO2, O2, and oximetry, including concentrations of hemoglobin and dyshemoglobins.
- Patient safety and monitor use, related to the aforementioned parameters, including conditions that adversely affect measurement.
It is intended that:
- Clinicians will gain insight on monitoring technologies, with greater appreciation of a device’s capabilities and limitations.
- Engineers and device developers will have an expanded understanding of their technology inuse, and associated clinical challenges and user expectations.
- Researchers will appreciate the need for optimizing study design and the consequence of variables affecting performance of a medical device.